Lanterman's Mill is probably one of the first things you'll see when you visit the area. Its over 100 years old, and its quite a site to see. It was used to ground wheat and corn. Touring the Mill costs a measly $1, and it's well worth it. especially for the basement/cave area. Just beautiful.

after the mill, when you start your way down the trail, you cross over a nice little covered bridge.

then you'll walk the trail down one side of the creek. it's fairly challenging, and a little too narrow in parts, but features great views of the water. walking next to running water is always a great experience.

Upon reaching the end of the creek, you cross back over on another interesting bridge, this one an metal suspension bridge.

Upon closer examination, you can find plenty of intriguing creatures, this this intimidating guy.

You then walk back on the opposite side of the creek, which allows you to get a bit closer to the creek in places.

Overall, quite a nice little trip. The hike was enough of a challenge, but not too much. The water and the mill are nice bonuses. Definitely recommended the next time you're in Youngstown.